Brewing Nirvana for 1980's Kids

Brewing Nirvana for 1980's Kids

The North Shore brew revolution has been in full swing for many years now. In our nearest town, Beverly, we now have four tap rooms, with our favorite, Gentile an almost weekly visit.

So, while we visit others, it takes a lot for us to take notice. It has to be more than just beer for the magic to happen, especially with a one year old.

Great Marsh, I can confirm immediately does not disappoint. The beer list is extensive and unlike many in these parts doesn’t fall into the trap of only providing heavily hopped and high gravity beers. That means you can enjoy one or two flights and not be knocked on your rear end. Definitely an advantage.

The extensive and quaffable beer selection

The extensive and quaffable beer selection

But beyond the beer - which is great - is the magnificent design with snug taproom, classy dining upstairs and the towering steel vats rising up the centre, creating a wonderful gallery feel to the upstairs bar. But then blended with modernity and views of Essex marshes to die for, is the 80’s vibe - John Collins the owner and brewmaster’s collection of Ataris, Star Wars and Rush Albums that had my childhood Stranger Things memories smiling happily. Even better, their’s an endless credit arcade machine crammed with everything from Defender to Gauntlet.

All in all - put it on your list and work your way through some beers and pretty useful food too. And the final credit - our little guy took his first steps here too.

The vats that rise high into the brewery upstairs gallery

The vats that rise high into the brewery upstairs gallery